10 Methods you get rid of unbearable toothache at night

Following are 10 Methods you get rid of unbearable toothache at night:

1. Rinse your mouth with warm water. This will help to remove any food debris or plaque that may be causing your pain.

2. Take ibuprofen. This will help to reduce inflammation and pain.

3. Apply a cold compress to your cheek. This will help to numb the area and reduce swelling.

4. Use sugar-free gum to massage your gums. This will help to stimulate blood flow and reduce pain.

5. Rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution. This will help to remove bacteria and reduce inflammation.

6. Drink ice water. This will help to numb the area and reduce swelling.

7. Apply a hot compress to your cheek. This will help to increase blood flow and reduce pain

8. Place a wet tea bag on your toothache. The tannins in the tea will help to reduce inflammation.

9. Applying pressure to certain points on your body can help to relieve pain.

10. See your dentist. If you have a dental abscess or other serious condition, it is important to see your dentist as soon as possible.

These 10 methods can help you get rid of an unbearable toothache

Causes of toothache at night.

Causes of toothache at night can be difficult to pinpoint. Many times, the pain is caused by increased pressure on the teeth during the night. This can be due to clenching or grinding of the teeth, which is more common during periods of stress. Other times, the pain may be due to an infection or abscess in the tooth. If the tooth is damaged or decay has reached the nerve, this can also cause pain that is worse at night. If you are experiencing tooth pain at night, it is best to see a dentist to determine the cause and get proper treatment.

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